
Stonewall Jackson 1 Oct 1996- 26 June 2010

We have sad news to share today regarding one of our family members, Stonewall Jackson. With a very heavy heart we had to lay him to rest Saturday morning. He was 14 and was failing in health so much so we feared what the two week drive to Rhode Island might do to him, if he survived at all.

As most of you know, Stone and I weren't the best of friends, but he was a good dog... just had some annoying habits... don't we all. I have joked over the years about this day... that I would celebrate and throw a big party but when it came down to it, I cried like a baby... for days. The days leading up, the drive to the vet, and the days after. It was me, the meanie, crying the hardest and feeling the heaviest of hearts.

Annabelle has said it best "Stonewall can play with Jesus now" and that is what he is doing, I am sure. Where there are no thunderstorms!
You can rest now, old boy... You will be missed...

The rental cabin in the Smoky Mts...