It seems so, at least in my case. As many of you know I have had headaches for most of my adult life. Not always migraine headaches but a nice dose of daily agony that, occasionally, bless me with the mind numbing migraine. You know the kind of pain that only sleep can sure and sometimes that doesn't work. Having two very active little ones makes headaches certainly an inconvenience and over time, I decided to just see what can be done. I shouldn't have to live with daily pain? Should I? I think not... So, off to the Dr I go and after telling him of my life long dance with headaches, prescribed me two different medications to prevent opposed to treat the pain... I am thinking "this is my kind of Dr!! one who wants to prevent!! " WOW, that doesn't happen everyday! So, I head to the pharmacy to get my goodies, super excited about just the thought of no more headaches, I think I was almost giddy! I get to the counter and the pharmacist asks "did the Dr talk to you about these medications?" I say, not really... tell me what I need to know. Well, one med, Neruontin is one that I am to start with 1x a day for a week then 2x day for a week then 3x day and then check back with the Dr to see if/how well the medication is working. This medication is dosed for seizure disorders but has also been found to treat headaches. In addition I am prescribed inderal, a beta blocker?!?! that is also used loosely to treat migraines. BOTH list dizziness as a side effect, not good news as I have vertigo issues already...
So, I take my first dose Tuesday night and wake Wednesday feeling pretty good to be honest. I was dizzy but nothing huge. Take another does Wednesday and woke Thursday a bit more dizzy and feeling like a zombie. I tried to shop with a friend but ended up laying on the couch and decided, on the couch, I was no longer going to take the meds... that headaches are fine compared to the way I was now feeling. So I went to bed Thursday with no meds and woke Friday IN PAIN!! OH MY GOD... the joints in my hands, fingers, feet, toes, knees, neck and hips were on fire! and my hands were swollen like little hot dogs. I was still able to move, but very slowly and was not really able to carry anything, Addison to be included, without pain. I took some 800mg Motrin and sat around all day. Went to bed Friday night, sleeping very little and woke Saturday in excruciating pain. My hands were grossly swollen, i couldn't even move my arm, as in to sip coffee from the cup, without being in horrible pain. I took more Motrin and decided I needed to be seen by a Dr so off to the ER I go. Sitting, doing nothing my pain was 0, moving in anyway the pain was an 8 or 9 ... no kidding.. I see a PA or NP at the ER and was told "swelling and joint pain are side effects of both medications, discontinue medication" I had already told her I stopped two days ago but she didn't hear that apparently. She sent me on my way.. WITH NOTHING FOR PAIN!! I get home and pray to God that these drug leave my system soon. I don't know how people live with this kind of pain. So last night I decide to take one of John's Lortab (from his shoulder surgery a while ago) in hopes for a nights rest. It helped for both the pain and I did get a little sleep but I woke this morning more swollen than ever and in just as much pain! As the day progressed I drank more and more water and over some time the pain reduced to something a little more manageable. Right now it feels about a 3 on the 1-10 scale and I am hopeful tomorrow will bring a pain free day for me..
I have certainly learned a lesson... Not all drugs are good and sometimes it is better to just leave it alone.... as is what I plan to do about my headaches.
We are still unsure of where we will be living this summer but the countdown is on, 6 months and counting! I really need to get my list of things to do in Nashville/Tennessee underway as time is ticking ...
Much love to you all,
Is the cure worse than the illness??
17 January, 2010 at 4:52 PM Posted under
Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo said... said:
I have severe spinal issues and my docs want to put me on Neurontin also after my spinal blocks. I've already tried anti-siezure drugs for neuropathy (I have sock and glove syndrome) and omg... talk about vertigo! Yikes.
I can totally relate. Have they checked your pituitary gland to see if you might have a growth there or something? I am serious, one of my friends (actually, two) were having migraines and they had a brain MRI and it turns out there was like a growth on their pituitaries.
Anyway... you can be sure after reading this blog entry that I am going to ask for an alternative to the Neurontin. Wow. That is awful.
Hope you are feeling better soon and they find out what is the real deal.
Hugs, tam and the boys