
Does it come in threes?

First I have to say what a sad day hearing both Michael Jackson and Farrah Faucet have died. I hope Patrick Swayze isn't next though I fear he will be not far to follow. I am not a fan of Michael and I do believe he has some issues but it is a shame he is dead, leaving three small children with no father. I remember the day, at my next door neighbors house, Amy, waiting to see the video of "thriller"... We didn't have MTV and they did so I begged and begged to stay a little later than my curfew just so I could see it! It was amazing... He has wonderful music and will be missed.

Farah.... I watched her story a month or so ago and just cried... It is such a shame to see someone with such strength and determination fall to such a horrid disease. Cancer... why in the heck isn't there a cure or a prevention for this? I am not going to get on my soap box here but it is just ridiculous to me that cancer is still killing people.

On to my day.. It didn't start well though I feel much better and the vertigo is fading thank the Lord. I had plans to take the girls for a walk but it seems neither of them agreed so we stayed in all day. Both are feeling well, Annabelle is better and Addison hasn't gotten what Annabelle has/had. I had to cancel her hourly care today because she was still running a slight fever today (99.5) though I was tempted to take her anyway... I would have never forgiven myself if I had because that is my biggest pet peeve... People who take their children to childcare/preschool/daycare/public playgrounds/restaurant play areas WHEN THEY KNOW THEY ARE SICK. So, as badly as I wanted a day for a little AJ time, I sucked it up and kept her home.

I started the day bored but decided to clean and rearrange the kitchen top shelf area. It hasn't been cleaned in 2 years and with the dust and grease from the cook top it was gross. So 4 hours later... the kitchen is cleaned, rearranged as was the dining room!! WOW... I am really not sure what has gotten into me because I spent two hours yesterday cleaning the master bathroom! (yuck) For those of you that know me, know that I like my house to be clean but I really don't want to be the one that keeps it clean! With our previous house cleaner a thief, I have not found anyone to clean and it has been left to John and I. Anyway... It looks great and I really like the new layout. John likes it too which is always nice.

Tonight A friend and I are heading out for some girl time. Dinner and girl talk will do both of us good!

I am going to get ready!!
Love to all...

The rental cabin in the Smoky Mts...