
Solo night... just me and the girls..

A VERY proud big sister!

Annabelle after a long week and a day with no nap!

Annabelle doing her balance act at Grammy's

zonked out Addison!

Addison holding her head up well I'd say!

A smile!! I just LOVE IT!!

Happy Annabelle with her Odie!

More with Odie

Gran with Addison, Odie and Annabelle

Well... I have to say I am a very very blessed woman. I honestly don't know any of my friend that can go 10 hours with their in-laws and I had a wonderful time with mine for 10 days. No kidding... yes, by the time they were to go home we were all suffering a little cabin fever but I honestly can say I truly enjyed having them here and would welcome a visit any time!! Annabelle had a ball with her Gran and expecially her Odie. It seems she is very fond of men as she loves her Papa and Odie very very much... She was always playing with him and trying to take his spot on the couch.. Each day, through out the day she tells me "Odie had to go home".."on an airplane" It is very sweet and I know she is missing both of them very much. She is also getting much better with potty training.. She knows that she gets candy if she goes so it is certainly driven her to go more and try at least. She did poo and pee twice for Gran while they were here and pee once for me so I am happy! She is also counting into her teens now... and can say her ABC's with only a few misses! She loves to sing her nursery rhymes generally saying "no mommy!!" when I try to sing along or help her... and she is very into having her "friends" around her to play .. AKA bears, bunnies, and dolls... She is very very cute and is such a joy to watch... she is also starting to become a 2 year old... Yes her big day is only 2 weeks away... and she is starting to push my buttons.. I decided yesterday that i am going to pick my battles and not stress over her refusing to do something.. she may have yogurt and crackers for every meal until John gets home! haha... I realize I do ask a lot of her and am trying to treat her like a 2 year old..

Addison is finally getting back to her normal self. No more cough and congestion!! She slept for me last night well, sleeping from 10:30-2:30a and actually going from 9:30-2:30a between feedings! then slept from 2:30- 5:30 which I don't mind so much. Getting up at 5ish is my plan anyway. What I have started doing is opening Annabelle's door when Addison gets up and Annabelle is just thrilled to walk herself down stairs in the morning and at nap time.. (she is growing up!) Addisons's tummy is better on the soy but I have been giving her half and half (1 scoop soy and 1 scoop Advance Early shield formula) and she seems to be tolerating it well... Maybe I won't be out all the $$ I thought with formula I can't return and she'll go back to her original formula!

For me, I have trouble dealing with having no one to talk to when John is gone. I really dislike that and spend a lot of my time on line or "shopping" .. that is shopping without buying... Annabelle enjoys it and it gets us all out of the house when the weather is just crappy.

Tomorrow I plan to go to Oprymills mall and maybe mom and dads for the day.. just to have someone to talk to ! I know, I am sad...

Sharelle is going to come help for a day on Wednesday and stay the night and let me have a night of sleep! You are wonderful to offer and I am very excited about it!!! just after Sharelle is here Amber comes for a visit!!! Annabelle is VERY excited about seeing her, maybe more than I am it seems!!:) She is certainly not shy and really enjoys company! (more people to entertain!!) Then just after Amber heads home I head to NC with Addison and then off to Kauai! I am super excited about that but am trying to not look too far ahead and go one day at a time.. that way my expectations aren't set too high..

I am going to go, Addison is calling and I really want to watch the Titans!! forgot to add that each night generally about the 6-7 time frame darling Addison gets really fussy, it is 6 now so it is time for it! :)

Love to you all, thank you all for the prayers and I will keep you all posted on any news that comes along.. :)

The rental cabin in the Smoky Mts...